
A network of groups and events for women across generations

Our network of women’s groups and events come under the banner, ‘Fuelled’.

We are inspired by the story in Exodus 3 when the angel of God appears to Moses in ‘flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush’. On fire and filled with the Holy Spirit, we can be real with God, our true and whole selves, being honest about the mixture of challenges, contradictions and blessings in our lives.

God’s fire is powerful, refining, awe-inspiring, transforming, purifying and warming.


Women’s Space

Tuesdays 12pm - 3pm, Trinity Garage; term time
A special session for women of all ages in particular need, difficulty or vulnerability in our community as part of our Transform ministry. Time to share life and faith - enjoying food, friendship, chat, activities, Bible study and prayer in a relaxed setting.

Wednesday Fuelled

Wednesdays 10:30am - 12pm, Trinity Garage; term time
For women of all ages.
Refreshments are available.
Worship followed by Bible study and prayer.

Contact Nicki Blyth

The Greenhouse

Thursdays 10:00am - 11:30am; Trinity House; term time
For mums with little ones who want to grow in faith alongside friends.

Contact Hils Grew

Key Events

  • Fancy breakfast made and cleared up for you whilst chatting with other women of all ages? And being inspired on your journey of faith through guest speakers, sung worship and prayer?

    Come and join us for our next breakfast! An opportunity for fellowship, fun, worship, learning and prayer together in Trinity House. Some of our Trinity family women will be sharing experiences of their walks with God.

    There's a choice of hot breakfast bap (£5) or a pastry (£2) and plenty of tea and coffee. We can provide meat, veggie and vegan options. Mainly aimed at adult women but could be of interest from school year 12.

    Opportunity for fellowship, fun, worship, learning and prayer.

    Location: Trinity House

    Book here.

  • Next gathering is TBC.

    A gathering of women passionate about their workplace being where God has called them. From managers, apprentices, business owners or just working out your next career move, God has put you in your place of work for a reason. This will be an evening to come together to pray, listen and talk with other women who feel God has called them into their work. It’s a safe place to ask "how do you do it!?", get guidance or just pray into how to share God with colleagues. To find out more, please chat to Lucy Round or Nicki Blyth (nicki.blyth@trinitycheltenham.com).


Get In Touch

Want to get hold of us or to find out more? Drop us a message!